No this article is not about any president. Its about the people, who have mediocre life achievements, but egos as if they have won the US presidency.
These are people who are hard to work with. These are people who are hard to communicate with. They will consciously or unconsciously try to put you down, wherever they can. These are not necessarily people of low IQ, but of average or high IQ, who don’t have the diligence, frustration tolerance, hard work, that is needed to move up in society. These are people who tend to live in virtual worlds of mobile games where they achieve high levels, or on Facebook, sharing page after page, and feel good about themselves even when their real life is in tatters (more on this in another blog). They have jobs in their mid 40s, where the average age of other employees is early 20s, who soon move on to higher things.
So coming back to high egos. Why do these people who have not done anything in real life, close to what they would otherwise have been capable of, have high egos? Everything in Psychiatry comes down to defense mechanisms. As mentioned above, these are people with average to high IQ. How can they face the fact that they know they are not dumb, but have nothing in real life to show for their intelligence? How does the human psyche accept they are not successful when people with lower IQs than them have done so much more in actual life? How do they justify, that they try to move up, but are shot down, because their superiors know that they will not work well (remember they are hard to work with, hard to communicate, put other people down) with others?
The answer to above questions, to an average person who realizes their shortcomings, is, to get in therapy and try to change aspects of themselves. But finding a good therapist, and once you find a good therapist, getting an appointment with them, is hard. And as the people we are talking about have low frustration tolerance, and spend most of their time in virtual worlds, and do not want to face the ugly facets of their real world, they never get into therapy. When faced with crisis they will make some feeble attempt of finding a therapist, but will soon give up. It’s a vicious cycle. So in an attempt to cover their inferiority complex, comes the superiority complex- (as has been studied, root of superiority complex is inferiority complex).
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